Thursday, May 29, 2008


I have a question for you......

What is your name?

How old are you?

And how did you find our blog?

OK,I guess that's three questions....

Just curious.....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


This puts things into perspective a little bit.......

This video was put together by Loving Shepherd Ministries.....the proceeds from Gobena are going to the group home that Loving Shepherd has started in coffee help for a cause

Monday, May 26, 2008

Play Ball

Memorial Day fun with the fam.....what did you do on this holiday weekend?

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Mom Jeans

Things have been a little heavy around here lately so here is a little something to lighten things up

Mom Jeans commercial - kewego
Mom Jeans commercial - kewego

Drought in Ethiopia

Found this from a friends blog Stacy

Bizunesh is 3 and weighs less than 10 pounds. "There is nothing ... I beg for milk," her mother says. (source)

The peolpe of the world need our prayers.....

Steven Curtis Chapman

Please continue to PRAY for them.....

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Steven Curtis Chapman

Please pray for the Chapman family...I just heard that there youngest daughter that they adopted from China was accidentally ran over by her oldest brother in there drive way and killed. Steve and I have had the opportunity of meeting them a couple of times and they are an AWESOME family and have a huge heart for the orphans.

You can read more here.....

PRAY for Ethiopia

PRAY for the people of Ethiopia......check out this articale, pray for them

Monday, May 19, 2008

Hope Tizita

Introducing Hope Tizita......Our newest addition to the Family...arrived home on Friday the 16th from Ethiopia

What a cute pair.......they are both from the same orphanage and where in the same room at the care center, but at different times.

What a cutie....Hope has such a sweet personality and gorgeous eyes

All the girl cousins...a few seconds before Violet had a fro in her face hence the crying

The proud grandparents.....

Hope we LOVE you and are so excited that you are our niece. We are blessed to be able to watch you grow and hopefully become a women of God


Some people have asked lately how they can add a badge to their blog

You can do that by copying and pasting the following html code...

<div style="text-align:center"><a href=""><img border="0" src=""></a><br/> <span style="font-size:100%;"><a href=""></a></span><span class="blsp-spelling-error" id="SPELLING_ERROR_0">Gobena</span>.org</div>thanks for all your support in Gobena!!!!!!

Friday, May 16, 2008

Gobena needs you

OK, we need HELP...we are trying to spread the word about Gobena. So far it is going pretty good, but could always do better. Anyway, our goal is to fully support a group home in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This group home will have house parents and seven or so children. The cost to fully support this would be around $12,000 a year, that covers everything food, education, housing etc. So hopefully Gobena can get there someday. Here's where you can help....other than buying Gobena coffee we are in need of someone to help with a website. Of course we have a website, but we would like it to be a little more professional and since 100% of the profits goes towards orphans the funding is tight. So if this is what you do or know someone that does we could and would love your help. Thanks to all our Gobena customers you truly can and are making a difference in the lives of children throughout the world.

P.S we will soon have pictures of the group home in Addis, stay tuned.

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Ok here is the deal..... For awhile now Steve and i have thought about moving, mostly do to the fact that Steve works in Morton and has been making the drive for eight years now. So we prayed about it, put our house on the market, decided to stay so took it off the market. One night Steve and i were talking and he said that he really felt like moving would be the best thing for us ....the very next day...the first call of the morning was a man and his wife interested in our house and they had happened to look at it a year ago and was interested again...needless to say they bought it. We had listed it on CIFSBO and never taken it off from the last time we put it on the market. We were receiving calls but saying that it was no longer available, this couple happened to be one that had called before and then called back to make sure. So we are packing our bags and moving to MO-Town!!! Y'all come visit ya hear!!!!!

Sunday, May 11, 2008


After Steve has spent 2,392 hrs driving in his , over the last eight years, we have decided to make the move to Mo-Town Down aka Morton, IL. Our house has sold, and we have to be out in about 6 weeks. Bloomington, you will be missed. Mo-Town, look out, the Lehmans are coming.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Hey all, I just wanted to do a roll call/link love of who all is out there. Let me know who you are....if you have a blog... I link you, you link me.... type of thing. Also tell me where you are from. This blog world is really is amazing to be able to communicate with people from all over and really feel connected to each other. Oh and also tell me something about yourself.... Ill go first

Danae Lehman
you already know my blog
I have a passion for the orphans around the world and want to help, so my husband Steve and i started Gobena coffee were 100% of the proceeds go towards orphan care.

Monday, May 5, 2008


look who is two timing...Eva and little Micah.... too cute....


This is Amy and Silas, we have been blog friends for a year or so. This past weekend we became real life friends. Amy, it was great to meet you Josh and Silas in person....I think our families clicked and i hope we can stay life long friends, who knows maybe family some day......Silas and Eva sitting in a tree......


We had a BLAST with this group over the weekend. We made some GREAT new friends and are so thankful for this group of adoptive families...looking forward to seeing you all again and watching our children grow-up together...miss you all......

Play the next chord

This is our friend Carloshe is the production manager at Buckhead church in the ATL...anyway this is pretty funny...check it out