Monday, February 22, 2010

Passion 2010 video

Just a little bit of what we got to experience at Passion 2010.....just look at all those people and remember that Gobena was the ONLY coffee supplier....we where busy, but wouldn't have it any other way

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Family night...air borne!!

Air borne!!!! We had a family fun night of stunts!!! It was a blast!! The kids had such a great time just jumpin around...captured some of the moments.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

some pics

My life my kids....they are the best!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tammy a Gobena vounteer at Passion.....her perspective

This is a post from Tammy a volunteer for Passion that worked with Steve and I at the Gobena station at Passion.....its great to see others perspectives

Reflections on Passion 2010 … a month later

2010 February 4
by Tammie

Passion was different this year.

I have volunteered before at Passion 2006, Passion 2007, and Passion Atlanta. All three times were busy, exhausting and fulfilling. The perk of serving as I did in those events was that I never missed a general session, had the chance to browse the Go Center, eat lunch with (or at least near) the students, hang out at late nights and actually go somewhere to grab some dinner. Granted, it was often a quick run, but at least there was time to do it. You can read more about the experiences by clicking on the Passion tag at the bottom of the post. I wrote a lot. Links would be cumbersome.

In short, I was able to serve and experience quite a bit of Passion.

What I am about to say next isn’t a slam on volunteers who served on other teams. They worked incredibly hard. One of my roommates, for example, was on the intercessory prayer team. She was coming and going all hours of the day and night to be part of the group that was praying over Passion 24/7. The other was in the worship art center every time it was open and often was the last one out at night.

What I am about to say isn’t an attempt to bring attention to my own service. It’s more about me and my expectations.

This year I learned about serving sacrificially.

If you bought a cup of coffee at the Gobena stand, there was a good chance I was at least working there if I wasn’t actually the one who handed you the cup of coffee. The volunteers who worked the stand were often there at 8 a.m. to catch students and volunteers heading out to community groups or to their posts in the arena. They left at or near midnight when the coffee ran out for the night or the Go Center closed, whichever came first. We were open at lunch and straight through dinner. We had huge crowds in the afternoon and as people passed through the Go Center to head into the general sessions in the GWCC. Dinner was whatever was left in the Lenny’s box from the lunch you didn’t finish.

And that was just us volunteers. Steve and Danae, the couple behind Gobena, were there even earlier most days getting coffee ready for the volunteer headquarters and the hospitality rooms.

I never saw an entire general session. Missed Hillsong United altogether. Fell asleep during Francis Chan’s talk. Took a nap on one of the couches in the Go Center using a pillow that who knows who might have touched it or sat on it or … I’d rather not let my mind go too far on that count.

I’m sure there are other volunteers who could say the exact same thing.

Passion, for me, was different this year. I couldn’t tell you what anyone sang in the general sessions, but I can tell you that a student from Alabama (Roll Tide!) was a regular at Gobena and was crazy surprised when I told him so. I guess he didn’t think I’d remember in that crowd.

I don’t know what Beth Moore told the young women who saw her breakout session, but I can tell you about the two students who walked up to Gobena discussing the differences between Calvinism and Arminism and rewarded me with a fist bump when I first giggled a bit then told them it was ironic to be discussing such a topic immediately following John Piper’s message.

I haven’t the slightest clue what the Hillsong or Crowder set lists were for the late nights, but I can tell you about a group leader who bought two coffees then handed one back to me when she found out I didn’t even have time to get one for myself that morning.

Passion was different this year.

And, I wouldn’t change it for the world.